UND#1 - 2006
On March 9th, 2006, UND platform took off in the empty space of a former supermarket at Waldhornstraße, Karlsruhe. About 600 sqms exhibitions space was provided free by Volkswohnung Karlsruhe. Due to the enormous dedication of all participating artists it was possible to realize the idea of an off-scene art fair. From 9th to 12th march UND#1 offered innovative art positions and approaches to ca. 1000 visitors . Apart from local initiatives, guests from Poland and Switzerland took part.
The given architectural circumstances resulted in a kind of hybrid between trade show and working project space. This concept was stressed even more by various interdisciplinary events in between and a discussion panel on artist-run initiatives and their way of networking.
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Participating artist-run initiatives
c/o Joachim Hirling, Bettina Amann, Cosima Klischat
Viktoriastr. 9, 76133 Karlsruhe
galeriepoly(at)web.de www.poly-galerie.org
Thomas Bergauer
Rolf M. Breager
Jean-Michel Dejasmin
Ernesto Edoardo
Alexandra Friebel
Joachim Hirling
Miram Huschenbeth
Roland Huss
Cosima Klischat
Evelyn Kopp
Elena Nelipa
Peter Nowack
Annette Preuss
Silke Reeh
Jürgen Reuter
Renate Schweizer
Irek Tybel
Klaudia Wiener
c/o Bertold Dietrich und Robert Freitag
Am Künstlerhaus 20, 76131 Karlsruhe
juxushimmel(at)web.de www.elaboratorium.info
Passagehof, D-76133 Karlsruhe
Postanschrift/ P.O.Box:
c/o Lukas Sebastian Baden & Associates
Ferenbalm-Gurbrü Station
P.O. Box 11 05 54 / 76055 Karlsruhe
ferenbalmgurbruestation(at)googlemail.com www.Ferenbalm-GurbrueStation.de
- Joachim Hirling und teilnehmende Künstler, insbesondere
- KünstlerInnen der Poly-Produzentengalerie wie
Klaudia Wiener, Cosima Klischat, Bettina Amann, Jean-Michel Dejasmin,
Jörg Brombacher und Bruno Kurz - Constanze Greve und Markus Graf von 4 komma nochwas Kubikmeter,
- Berthold Dieterich vom Elaboratorium, u. a.
- sowie
- Kulturamt der Stadt Karlsruhe